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Software Update Autel MS Elite/MK908P/MS908P One Year Update

Autel MaxiSys Elite / Autel Elite II / MK908P/ MS908P 1-Year Update Subscription


 After the initial free updates expire, you may purchase an additional 1-Year Update Service to upgrade your tool to the latest software version to cover the latest vehicle coverage and functions.

This subscription can be purchased at any time and it will add 12 more months of updates to your current machine. 

Suitable for: Autel Maxisys Elite and Elite II scan tools 

Benefits of updating your tool to the latest software:
  1. Tool Software/Function Upgrades: Get the latest features and functions as they roll out from Autel
  2. Latest Vehicle Coverage: Service all the latest makes and models supported by Autel


After purchasing, we will email you your update code
